Zero Cost Workshop For Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators Who Are Losing Sales Because You Don't Have System for Attracting, Nurturing, and Converting Leads.

How to Get Better Leads So You Make More Sales in Less Time

(Learn the "Set it and Forget it" strategy we used to triple our income without losing money on ads !)

Here's what you'll discover...

  • The simple formula for attracting qualified leads and avoiding tire-kickers. (Hint: #NoPassiveLeadMagnets)
  • How we doubled our conversion rates and grew our list by over 400% in just 4 months.
  • The secret to creating emails that get prospects to go from "Interested to I'm In".
  • The three time wasting mistakes that are costing you leads, sales, and profit.
Join the next
Live Workshop
Thursday, January 28th @ 8PM EST
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Warning: This event caps at 100 participants.

You'll be learning with...

Tai Goodwin (aka The Quiz Queen) is CEO of The Momentum Agency, creator of Quiz & Grow Rich™ and co-creator of The Funnels Done Right™ System. She’s an award-winning instructional designer with 20+ years of experience creating learning experiences and content for Fortune500 companies like Barnes & Noble and tech start-ups like Leadpages.

A former teacher, turned corporate trainer, turned entrepreneur and author, Tai is passionate about marketing and marketing technology. After coaching and teaching hundreds of entrepreneurs on social media, marketing, and business strategy – it became clear to her that the biggest gap was in implementation. The solution: The Momentum Agency.

The Momentum Agency works with e-commerce brands, service-based entrepreneurs, course creators and high-end consultants who are brilliant at what they do but struggle with marketing technology. The agency provides Done-For-You and Done-With-You marketing implementation support. They specialize in quiz funnels, email marketing, and content creation.

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